Satell Institute Think Tank

Academic research. CSR fundamentals. Practitioners articles. All the resources you need to make an impact through Corporate Social Responsibility.

Glossary of CSR Terms

Our curated glossary of common, contemporary terms and concepts related to CSR. This searchable, living document will facilitate and enrich one’s understanding of CSR.

Commissioned Whitepapers
About CSR

Not Just a Company, but a Neighbor: How General Electric’s Departure Impacts Nonprofits in Connecticut

Lofty Goals Meet Financial Reality: The Power of Innovated Social-Business Partnerships – Bringing Safe Drinking Water to Bangladesh

Participatory Corporate Social Responsibility with Public Policy Impact: The Case Study of the Holcim Foundation in Ecuador


Our Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provides a comprehensive overview of the CSR landscape. Our course is available worldwide, and upon completion the participant can earn a signed, verified certificate, a valuable professional development credential.

Academic Research on CSR

Journal of Business Ethics

A Framework for Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility Programs as a Continuum: An Exploratory Study

This paper argues that CSR programs can fall along a continuum between two endpoints: Institutionalized programs and Promotional programs.
1 / 2007
Academy of Management

The Link Between Job Satisfaction and Firm Value, With Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility.

How are job satisfaction and firm value linked? I tackle this long-standing management question using a new methodology from finance.
11 /2012

Practitioner Articles on CSR

Harvard Business Review

Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility

1 2 / 2006
Korn Ferry Institute

The Tone from the Top

Learn what strengthens and derails culture in the workplace.
3 / 21 / 2016
The Balance Small Business

5 Elements of a SMART Business Goal

Every successful business has clearly articulated goals to attain specific objectives. Yet, in the world of small business, many businesses lack a focused goal.
1 / 8 / 2018

Multimedia Resources


Michael Porter: Why business can be good at solving social problems

Why do we turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve society’s biggest problems? Michael Porter admits he’s biased, as a business school professor, but he wants you to hear his case for letting business try to solve massive problems like climate change and access to water. Why? Because when business solves a problem, it makes a profit – which lets that solution grow.

CSR Fundamentals

marcus allen

CEO, Big Brothers, Big Sisters

“The Satell Institute is bringing like-minded people together to spread a message that nonprofits frankly need right now. The problems that we are trying to solve are getting bigger and bigger and the resources are getting smaller and smaller. What Ed Satell and the Satell Institute are trying to do is create ambassadors and champions who are of influence and who can get more people off the sidelines to really get involved in helping us to solve these issues.”