Advisory Board Officers
- Ed Satell
- Anthony J. Conti
Executive Vice Chair
- Joseph A. Dougherty
Vice Chair, Expansion
- Larry Dubinski
- Marc Brownstein
- John L. Walsh
Corporate & Foundation
- Steve Abramson
- David Antzis
- Brad Aronson
- Suchit Bachalli
- Frank Ash
- Mark Baiada
- Leroy Ball
- Robert (Bob) Beard
- Greg Bentley
- Dan Bernstein
- Nicholas Betram
- Robert A. Brandt III
- Ira Brind
- Marc Brownstein
- Marc Bruno
- James (Jim) Buck III
- Don Caldwell
- Tom Caramanico
- Mark Carrow
- Gregory Cavoli
- Gene Chaiken
- Mark Clouse
- Charles Cohen
- Alan Cohn
- Norman Cohn
- Stephen Cohn
- Robert (Rip) Collins, Jr.
CEO, TEC Services
- Neil A. Cooper
- Jared (Jay) Culotta
- Justin Davis
- David DeStefano
- James (Jim) Dever, Jr.
- Joseph A. Dougherty
- Carl Dranoff
- Mike Duff
- Kevin Duffy
- Katherine Durante
- Leon J. Dutkiewicz
- Richard (Dick) Ehst
- Daniel K. Fitzpatrick
- Ed Forst
- Bruce Foulke
- Ed Frankel
- Chris Franklin
- Chris Gheysens
- Thomas Gilbane
- Stanley Ginsburg
- Morey Goldberg
- Eric M. Green
- Richard Green
- Josh Gross
- Kent Gushner
- Ramona Gwynn
- Greg Hagin
- Nathaniel Hamilton
- Chris Heck
- Chrissy Helmig
- Bev Hendry
- Robert Hill
- Amy Holdsman
- Thomas J. Holt III
- Marjorie Honickman
- Timothy (Tim) Hughes
- Leslie Hyde
- Osagie O. Imasogie, Esq.
- Michael Innocenzo
- John Iskrant
- Scott Jackson
- Phillip Jaurigue
- Michele Juliana
- Barry Kahan
- Adam Kaliner
- Robert Kane
- Bruce Kardon
- Sam Katz
- Michael Kelly
- Robert Kennedy
- Robert Keyes
- Kathy Killian
- Joseph (Joe) Kirk
- Jonathan Kirschner
- Steve Klasko
- Gary Langmuir
- Keith Leapheart
- Chase Lenfest
- Frank Leto
- Rodger Levenson
- Mitchell Livingston
- Jack Lynch
- David Magerman
- Dave Magrogan
- Christopher Maguire
- Malik Majeed
- Lorina Marshall-Blake
- Paul Marvel
- Richard Master
- Susan Master
- Tim McDermott
- Mary Meder
- Joe Meterchick
- Michael Mitchell
- Henri Moore
- Felicite Moorman
- Scott O’Neil
- Tom Paluszynski
- Butch Potter
- Iraklis Prokopakis
- Pedro Ramos
- Scott Renninger
- Wil Reynolds
- Travis Rhodes
- David Rosenberg
- Ronald Sandmeyer
- William (Bill) Sasso
Chairman Emeritus, Stradley Ronon
- Ed Satell
- Tom Scheve
- Michael Schwab
- David Seltzer
- Les Seskin
- Bernie Shields
- Tom Shoemaker
- Paul Silberberg
- Mark Solomon
- Craig Snelgrove
- Joseph Spause
- Leslie Walker
- Steve Tansey
- David Taylor
- Nicole Tell
- Michael Tiagwad
- Gerry Toscani
- Dan Tropeano
- Richard L. Umbrecht
- Anne Vogelmann
- Rev. Dr. Alyn Waller
- John L. Walsh
- Patrick (Pat) Ward III
- John Weidenhammer
- Jeff Westphal
- Dalila Wilson-Scott
- Justin Wineburg
- Stephen Wright
- Michael Zisman
- Gwen Borowsky
- Frank Cervone
Executive Director (ret.), Support Center for Child Advocates
- Anthony J. (Tony) Conti
- Oliver St. Clair Franklin, OBE
CEO, Franklin Group
- Louis W. Fyrman
Partner and Chairman (ret.), Fox Rothschild
- Michael Innocenzo
EVP & COO, Exelon
- Regina Black Lennox
- William (Bill) McNabb
- Siobhan Reardon
- Casey Ann Satell
- Matthew Satell
- Mike Shirk
- Denise Sullivan
- Doug Tieman
- Dan Tropeano
Segment President Southeastern PA, Highmark Blue Shield
- John Elliott, Ph.D.
- Peter Frumkin, Ph.D.
Research Director, Satell Institute (On Sabbatical); Executive Director, Center for Nonprofits, Oxford University
- John Jackson, Jr., Ph.D.
Provost, University of Pennsylvania
- Ariel Schwartz, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Director, Satell Institute Managing Director, Center Social Impact Strategy, University of Pennsylvania
- Matthew Aaron
- Alaine Arnott
CEO, National Liberty Museum
- Malik Brown
President and CEO, Graduate! Philadelphia
- Catherine Cahill
CEO, Mann Center for the Performing Arts
- Bernard Dagenais
CEO, Main Line Chamber of Commerce
- Larry Dubinski
CEO, The Franklin Institute
- Keisha Jordan
President and CEO, Children’s Scholarship Fund of Philadelphia
- Paul Kappel Jr.
President, Junior Achievement
- Michal Smith
Executive Director, Cradles to Crayons
- R. Scott Stephenson
CEO, The Museum of the American Revolution
- Lauren Swartz
CEO, World Affairs Council of Philadelphia
Founding University Affiliates
- University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice
- University of Connecticut School of Business

Brian Effron
Healthcare Administrative Partners