You’re part of a group of business leaders who believe that supporting nonprofits is one of the most important ways to help improve communities. Join today and get all the benefits of membership.
Membership Features
Trusted Partnerships
Develop long-term, mutually beneficial collaborations between businesses, foundations, and nonprofits.
Trusted CEO Relationships
Meet changemakers with common goals, discuss big ideas with fellow leaders and build relationships based on shared values.
Conferences & Summits
Experienced thought leaders presenting on the future of corporate social responsibility at an exclusive conference for our members.
No Membership Dues or Fees
The Satell Institute is fully supported by an endowment that covers all its operating expenses. You pay no membership dues, and 100 percent of your contributions go directly to the nonprofits you choose.
Freedom to Sponsor Whichever Nonprofits You Want
SI members support their nonprofits of choice. You make the decision, not anyone else.
A Seat at the Table for Your Nonprofit Partners
Nonprofit partners also become affiliate members of the Satell Institute, allowing them to attend SI’s powerful Nonprofit Summits.
CEO Praise for the Satell Institute
David Rosenberg
“The Satell Institute gives our Foundation the opportunity to make an impact on Corporate Social Responsibility. I am excited being involved with many people who feel similarly about the importance of CSR. Another reason we joined is that we wanted to be part of a collective force where all members share a common goal; that is to strengthen the well-being of our communities through philanthropy.”
John Walsh
“The Satell Institute provides a connection to nonprofits that have demonstrated the ability to be effective and impactful. Another exciting aspect is that you are part of a network of great companies that are active in the community. These are highly focused and effective companies for which I have profound respect. With the Satell Institute, you can meet fellow CEOs from these companies and get ideas, which I think is a huge benefit.”
Gary Langmuir
“Like Ed Satell, I have a mindset to be supportive to communities. As a result, it's something that's highly encouraged at Wohlsen. The Satell Institute provides incredible opportunities to learn, to connect with other leaders, and enhance your business. If you’re new to CSR, if you believe you should be doing it but don’t know how to tackle it, the Satell Institute gives you the tools to put into action.”
Joseph P. Dougherty
“One of my favorite quotes is, 'To whom much is given, much is expected.' I have always felt an obligation to give back, both as an individual and a member of a firm. We have always supported nonprofits in the communities where we work in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. It wasn’t until I became a member of the Satell Institute that I learned a key component of CSR – commitment.”
David DeStefano
“I am attracted by the passion and purpose of the Institute, and I think there is strong excitement from business leaders about what the Satell Institute is doing. What’s great is that it’s passion with a defined purpose. You need to have passion to fuel you because you’re going to go through some tough times, and you’re going to need to have a defined purpose to steer you toward your goals.”
Mary Meder
President Harmelin Media