Why the Satell Institute Has Unmatched Momentum — and Is Making a Massive Impact


The Institute reviewed its status at the first board meeting of the year, and the vote is in — the strength and effectiveness of SI’s unique model is clear.

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The Satell Institute’s first board and member meeting of the year was held in early January. As the new year kicks off, the Institute is riding a wave of unprecedented momentum — and demonstrating the amazing power of Corporate Social Responsibility. This good news was embraced by the board and members, and it will be magnified in 2025!


      > SI now boasts more than 300 Corporate and Foundation Members, up an amazing 50 percent from 2023, as well as more than 400 Nonprofit Affiliates and 500 productive partnerships. Each member believes deeply in SI’s mission of giving back. They understand that CSR not only helps communities and nonprofits but also companies, which attract and retain top talent and enjoy enhanced reputations when they commit to CSR.

The dramatic jump in membership is a direct result of the hard work of SI’s new regional vice presidents, who’ve enthusiastically brought SI’s mission to new markets and new companies.

     > Collectively, SI members have now committed more than $130 million to SI’s Nonprofit Affiliates. This extraordinary level of support — along with SI’s requirement of four-year gifts — allows those nonprofits to do the important work in communities that neither government nor business is equipped to do.

It’s important to note that SI neither receives nor requests government money. Rather, our mission and organization inspire the private sector to participate enthusiastically in Corporate Social Responsibility. Our members possess an entrepreneurial, problem-solving mindset that’s been crucial to America’s success, and they operate in the same spirit as America’s founding fathers, who frequently put aside personal gain for the good of the country.

     > A growing number of SI members are choosing to support multiple nonprofits, giving those organizations’ leaders the many benefits of belonging to the Satell Institute and sparing government the cost.

     > While the minimum contribution for membership in SI is $100,000 over four years, members’ average contributions now exceed $400,000. And a number of members with more financial capacity have now made commitments exceeding $1 million.

What’s Behind the Momentum

Credit for this unprecedented success goes to the hard work and commitment of SI’s members. It’s also the result of their belief and trust in Founder Ed Satell’s powerful and unique vision for the organization.

Essential to the way SI operates is trust. Thanks to an initial $15 million endowment provided by Ed, the Satell Institute charges no dues or fees, receives no personal financial gain for the founder or the members, and all contributions from Corporate Members go directly to the nonprofits that each member selects. This funding model removes any skepticism or cynicism about the organization and strengthens the free enterprise system — members are confident the Satell Institute (which doesn’t seek publicity) exists only for the greater good, not for anyone’s personal gain. The board and membership are also proud that the Institute carefully stewards its funds; the endowment continues to grow from the investment earnings it produces.

Also enhancing faith in the organization is SI’s requirement that members make four-year gifts ($100,000 minimum) to nonprofits. The requirement ensures that members are “doers” in the community, not just “talkers,” while also recognizing that nonprofits can’t operate effectively on a one-year business cycle. The multi-year commitment gives nonprofits the ability to plan thoughtfully and execute their missions with confidence, helped by some member oversight.

SI’s unique ability to convene business leaders through its Private CEO Conferences has been another key to success. The dynamic gatherings give CEOs the rare opportunity to share ideas and experiences with their peers in a non-competitive atmosphere focused on supporting the greater good. SI’s conferences also allow nonprofit leaders to learn from for-profit CEOs, while its Nonprofit Leadership Summits allow leaders from all mission areas to gather for learning and collaboration — unique professional development.

Finally, SI has succeeded because it’s genuinely democratic. Members are free to support whichever nonprofits are important to them, so SI’s impact doesn’t reflect the narrow interests of just one person, but the broad interests of its many members. The community and the country benefit from that. It’s another point of pride among the board and membership.

What’s Next?

Looking forward, SI will continue to expand geographically, with a long-term goal of having 50 chapters in 17 regions across the country. Crucial to that effort are SI’s CEO members, who provide the contacts, connections, and enthusiasm necessary to launch new chapters.

As Ed Satell says of SI’s success: “It’s all about people who have a sense of purpose and believe that the mission of giving back strengthens the health of the community and the free enterprise system, which is good for everyone.”



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