On Monday May 4th, the Satell Institute announced the Ed Satell Million Dollar Match Opportunity, an emergency funding initiative to support the widely diverse Nonprofit Affiliate Members of the Institute so hugely affected by the Covid-19 crisis and economic downturn.
The Institute’s proactive challenge for the benefit of the hard hit nonprofits that contribute so much value to our community was a matching gift opportunity thanks to a $1,000,000 contribution of personal funds by Founder Ed Satell. An ambitious deadline of May 31st was set for the matching opportunity. We had reasonable expectations that our Members would respond, but we were overwhelmed by the speed and generosity of the response.
Below is our final report, listing the donors and some of their comments. Humbly, we say THANK YOU to all who participated. This is a Business, Foundation & Individual response to Corporate Social Responsibility that is inspiring and energizing for the nonprofit community. Thinking WE, not me, in action!
On Monday morning, June 1st, the Match closed with every dollar
matched!So many Members were inspired to choose to contribute considerably
more than their match to the Nonprofit Affiliate of their choice!
The total raised in May to support our Nonprofit Affiliates is
Our Generous Members were so passionate about supporting nonprofits, they
chose to meet the four-year commitment requirement and added 6 new
nonprofits as Institute Nonprofit Affiliates!
Thank you, Corporations, Foundations, Members, Individuals—Friends!
Contributors are listed in order of date of contribution, so new contributors are listed at the end. Some are among the biggest in the region, some midsize or smaller and others are highly committed individuals, all supporting the well-being of our needed nonprofits who contribute so much to our community. Our thanks to all who have allowed us to publish their names and their inspiring quotes!
- Daniel R. Tropeano, CEO
UnitedHealthcare of PA & DE, $10,000
Thank you for your leadership, compassion, and generosity.
- Daniel R. Tropeano, CEO
- John L. Walsh, CEO
UGI Corporation, $10,000-PLUS
Ed’s vision has always been around supporting the community. We’re grateful to participate in this opportunity, doubling the dollars to Nonprofit Affiliates. We’re all in this together.
- John L. Walsh, CEO
- Bruce Foulke, CEO
American Heritage Federal Credit Union, $10,000-PLUS
I am so proud to be a part of what Ed is doing to help where the need is great. He genuinely wants to make this world a better place. We are only on this earth for a short time and the differences that Ed makes will outlast all of us.
- Bruce Foulke, CEO
- Dan Koval, CSR Director
Bentley Systems Incorporated, $10,000-PLUS
Bentley is proud to be a part of the Satell Institute and humbled to be among the many other amazing organizations that work so hard to make sure everyone is cared for. We are excited to be able to leverage our giving to increase the impact to the Chester County Food Bank, who work tirelessly every day to ensure our friends, neighbors, and family members get the food they need to survive before, during, and after the global pandemic.
- Dan Koval, CSR Director
- Stan Ginsburg, Founder
Stan & Arlene Ginsburg Family Foundation, $10,000-PLUS
- Stan Ginsburg, Founder
- Marc Brownstein, CEO
Brownstein Group, $10,000-PLUS
The only thing bigger than Ed Satell’s generosity is Ed Satell’s compassion for helping the nonprofit community. This $1,000,000 Match is simply the latest example.
- Marc Brownstein, CEO
- Frank Ash, Founder
The Ash Family Foundation, $10,000
That is the thing about Ed. He thinks this way about helping others.
- Frank Ash, Founder
- David DeStefano, CEO
Vertex, Inc., $10,000
Winston Churchill said: “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” No one embodies that more than Ed. We are honored to work with the Satell Institute and be part of the Million Dollar Match.
- David DeStefano, CEO
- David L. Cohen, Individual
Personal Contribution, $10,000
Once again, Ed Satell and the Satell Institute is stepping up at a time of great community need. It is a pleasure to follow Ed’s leadership in this very difficult time.
- David L. Cohen, Individual
- Morey Goldberg, Founder
Dena & Morey Goldberg Family Fund, $10,000-PLUS
This is awesome. I’m in. My heart is warmed by this!
- Morey Goldberg, Founder
- Bruce Kardon, CIO
Conservest, $10,000
- Bruce Kardon, CIO
- Henri Moore, Head, Global Responsibility
Corteva, $10,000-PLUS
Ed is demonstrating wonderful leadership in time of crisis and it is so important to our nonprofits who are providing life-saving services during this time of Covid-19.
- Henri Moore, Head, Global Responsibility
- David K, Downes
Individual, $10,000-PLUS
I was very pleased to learn of the Satell Institute Matching Gift program and happy to support Caron Treatment Centers in such a meaningful way during these challenging times.
- David K, Downes
- Bev Hendry, CEO
Aberdeen Standard Investments, $10,000
This is a wonderful gesture by Ed. Our affiliates are going to be thrilled to receive these contributions. Have a blessed day.
- Bev Hendry, CEO
- Elizabeth Walhquist,
Individual Personal Contribution, $10,000-PLUS
We are so very grateful for Ed’s ongoing support and for the meaningful way his leadership inspires others. He is truly like yeast, always causing others to rise. Claudia Stowers, CFRE, CAP, Vice President, The Museum of the American Revolution
- Elizabeth Walhquist,
- Gerry Toscani, CEO
Paris Corporation, $10,000
As you can imagine, many families have lost much of their income over the last two months. The emergency fund that we are donating to is set aside to specifically help these families cover their portion of the tuition so that their children can continue to get a high-quality education. Ed’s pledge to match our donations is inspiring. We need more Ed’s in this world!
- Gerry Toscani, CEO
- Mitch Livingston, CEO
NJM Insurance Group, $10,000-PLUS
Our thanks and appreciation to Ed for such a wonderful and generous offer at a time of so much need in our non-profit community. We’re honored to participate in this effort, and will make a $10,000 donation to HomeFront, whose mission to end homelessness and break the cycle of poverty has now taken on an even greater urgency. Mike Van Wagner, NJM SVP.
- Mitch Livingston, CEO
- John Francis Smith III, Founding Board Member
Personal Contribution, $1,000
- John Francis Smith III, Founding Board Member
- Daniel K. Fitzpatrick, President
Citizens Bank, $10,000-PLUS
Ed, thanks so much for your incredible personal generosity and leadership on these critical issues. You certainly practice what you preach and lead from the front. Happy to partner, Dan
- Daniel K. Fitzpatrick, President
- Chris Franklin, Chairman & CEO
Essential Utilities, $10,000-PLUS
Essential Utilities is proud to be part of the Million Dollar Match. Ed Satell’s generosity provides yet another opportunity to strengthen our community during this difficult time. Together we will make a difference. Thank you, Ed
- Chris Franklin, Chairman & CEO
- Tom Caramanico, President
McCormick Taylor, $10,000-PLUS
Ed Satell shows us once again by his leadership what it means to help our nonprofit partners when they need the help the most. I am pleased to make a significant contribution to Freire Charter School at this time and grateful for Ed’s match – they need it now more than ever. I am reminded now of the quote I have been using frequently at this time: “I can’t do all the good that the world needs but the world needs all the good that I can do.”
- Tom Caramanico, President
- James Averill, Individual
Personal Contribution, $10,000
In this time of uncertainty, we are so grateful for this extraordinary match from the Satell Institute which will not only allow us to continue operating at maximum capacity, but will enable us to take advantage of new opportunities as they present themselves. Eli Gilman, VP, FPRI
- James Averill, Individual
- David Rosenberg, Founder
David & Marjorie Rosenberg Family Foundation, $10,000
Ed is just too much. Ed makes us all better! His leadership and vision are inspirational and his generosity in improving our community is unparalleled!
- David Rosenberg, Founder
- Richard Berkman, Individual
Personal Contribution, $7,500
- Richard Berkman, Individual
- Steve Tansey, Founder
The Tansey Family Fund, $10,000-PLUS
What a wonderful thing he (and all the other donors) are doing in this hour of need for those who need it most. I appreciate the leadership of the Satell Institute and the corporate and affiliate members to demonstrate what can be done to help those organizations who serve our neighbors and friends every day.
- Steve Tansey, Founder
- Richard & Susan Master Family Foundation
Foundation Member, $10,000
Thanks to the Satell Institute for matching our additional contribution of $10,000.00 to The CB Community School. The school performs remarkably well to address a particular need in the Philadelphia area.
- Richard & Susan Master Family Foundation
- Paul Silberberg, CEO
Concierge Insurance Solutions, $10,000
Thanks for your ongoing leadership, creativity, and enthusiasm. Donation made in honor of Ed Satell.
- Paul Silberberg, CEO
- Tom Belmont, Regional President
Gallagher, $10,000
- Tom Belmont, Regional President
- Rosemary J. Loverdi
Dilworth Paxon LLP, $5,000
- Rosemary J. Loverdi
- Dr. William Koch, Individual
Personal Contribution, $5,000
- Dr. William Koch, Individual
- Oliver St. Clare Franklin, O.B.E.
Satell Institute Liaison, $10,000-PLUS
In this unprecedented time the Satell matching gift program will focus the minds, hearts and wallets of cooperate community in our region. This is the essence of leadership.
- Oliver St. Clare Franklin, O.B.E.
- Dr. William Gray, Individual
Personal Contribution, $5,000
- Dr. William Gray, Individual
- Deon Vigilance, Individual
Personal Contribution, $2,500
- Deon Vigilance, Individual
- Dov Zakheim, Individual
Personal Contribution, $2,000
- Dov Zakheim, Individual
- Lou & Rhoda Fryman, Founding SI Board
Personal Contribution, $1,000
At the time of need, it’s the time to act. The Satell Institute is the moving force. Thank you, Ed.
- Lou & Rhoda Fryman, Founding SI Board
- Elliott Barnathan, Individual
Personal Contribution, $1,000
- Elliott Barnathan, Individual
- David Elliott, Individual
Personal Contribution, $250
Thank you to the Satell Institute and Ed Satell for the incredible generosity in supporting nonprofits.
- David Elliott, Individual
- Dave Koch, Individual
Personal Contribution, $250
- Dave Koch, Individual
- James F. Dever, Phila Market President
Bank of America, $10,000-PLUS
For the past four years the Satell Institute has been instrumental in working with corporations and nonprofits in order to strengthen the long-term well-being of the Greater Philadelphia community and the people who live here. We join Satell Institute in the Million Dollar Match program to continue our support of Philadelphia Youth Network as they work to launch the summer WorkReady program digitally and Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania for their programs fostering work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy for students. Both organizations’ work is needed now more than ever to inspire and provide critical opportunities to the world of work for our youth that will lead them on a path for life-long success.
- James F. Dever, Phila Market President
- Josh Gross, CEO
Mill Creek Capital Advisors, $10,000
The Satell Institute Million Dollar Match is a perfect reflection of its commitment to the community pillars and its altruistic mission.
- Josh Gross, CEO
- Joe Dougherty, CEO
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC, $10,000
Ed’s vision and generosity is both humbling and inspiring, especially at this time. Thank you, Ed, for setting such a great example for the rest of us.
- Joe Dougherty, CEO
- Kevin Duffy, President
Tozour Energy Systems, $10,000-PLUS
In addition to TES contributing $10,000, Tozour employees are contributing to Philabundance. The employee contributions will be matched by the Tozour Family Foundation, raising the total gift (prior to the Satell match) to well over $50,000!
- Kevin Duffy, President
- John Emery, Managing Director, Corp Client Banking
JP Morgan Chase, $10,000–PLUS
We are grateful to have Ed’s leadership in this challenging time. The Satell Institute is now more important than ever as a forum to organize and grow corporate leaders’ support for nonprofits.
- John Emery, Managing Director, Corp Client Banking
- Ronald P. Sandmeyer, Jr. CEO
Sandmeyer Steel Company, $10,000
We are proud to be associated with the Satell Institute, especially in this unprecedented time. Our non-profit partner in Northeast Philadelphia, Feast of Justice, is truly a “life-sustaining and essential business,” providing meals and services for many residents of Mayfair. This extra funding could not have come at a time of greater need.
- Ronald P. Sandmeyer, Jr. CEO
- Gene Chaiken, Chairman
Almo Corporation, $10,000–PLUS
Gene Chaiken and the Almo Corporation are grateful for the Satell Institute’s inspirational leadership in the realm of Corporate Social Responsibility. In this time of need for our non-profit partners, the donation made by the Institute has done more than just match our own support for the ADL. By putting its values into action, the Satell Institute is galvanizing our region’s leaders and ensuring a strong future for our collaborative communities. We are proud to be a partner of the Satell Institute and thank Ed for his leadership.
- Gene Chaiken, Chairman
- Sam Katz, CEO
History Making Productions, $2,500
When Ed Satell calls, action follows! It is important and valued to be part of this movement. Nonprofits have never more needed support than now!
- Sam Katz, CEO
- Brad Aronson, Founder
Alike Foundation, $10,000-PLUS
Ed, your leadership is an inspiration!
- Brad Aronson, Founder
- Rodger Levenson, Chairman & CEO
Bank WSFS, $10,000-PLUS
As I mentioned at the last meeting, I wanted WSFS to join the Satell Institute because I have known Ed for 20+ years and have seen his passion and empathy towards those less fortunate than many of us. This announcement confirms my beliefs.
- Rodger Levenson, Chairman & CEO
- Mark Baiada, Chairman
Bayada Home Healthcare, $10,000
The match is a wonderful thing that has inspired so many of us to give more.
- Mark Baiada, Chairman
- Matthew Duncan
Personal, $3,000
- Matthew Duncan
- Tom Shoemaker, President
TD Bank, $10,000-PLUS
- Tom Shoemaker, President
- Brian Effron
Healthcare Administrative Partners USA, $10,000
I am incredibly proud to be part of the Satell Institute. Not only does our Founder, Ed Satell, have all his priorities straight, he puts himself first in demonstrating his commitment and leadership supporting our nonprofit organizations. Incredible leadership!
- Brian Effron
- Susan Blumenfeld, individual
Personal, $2,000
- Susan Blumenfeld, individual
- Alisa Gifford, individual
Personal, $2,500
- Alisa Gifford, individual
- Joe Kirk, President
Wells Fargo, $10,000-PLUS
Our Wells Fargo team has witnessed the long-term beneficial impact of the Satell Institute’s work and we are proud to take part in this match program. Our contribution to Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) in Philadelphia will further the work of an organization that accomplishes equitable community change through the construction and preservation of affordable homes and the development of retail, community, and education space.
- Joe Kirk, President
- Ed Forst, CEO
Lincoln Investment Company, $10,000
- Ed Forst, CEO
- Daniel Pereira, Individual
Personal Contribution, $500
- Daniel Pereira, Individual
- Carrie Rosen, Individual
Personal Contribution, $250
- Carrie Rosen, Individual
- Michael Innocenzo, CEO
PECO, $10,000-PLUS
In this unprecedented time, the needs of our region have grown exponentially. Ed is a champion for the non-profit sector. Through his foresight, PECO is able to leverage additional support from the Satell Institute for some of its partners serving those in our most underserved communities. Ed, thanks for all that you and your team are doing for our region.
- Michael Innocenzo, CEO
- David DeStefano, Board & Executive Committee
Personal, $10,000
Thank you for setting the bar on great leadership. An inspiration to us all, at a time it is so needed.
- David DeStefano, Board & Executive Committee
- Dalila Wilson-Scott, President
Comcast NBC Foundation, $10,000-PLUS
Comcast NBCUniversal is grateful to participate. Thank you for your leadership and enabling us, and others, to amplify the work of non-profits in our community, especially in this critical time of need.
- Dalila Wilson-Scott, President
- John McCabe, Glenmede
Personal, $1,500
Thank you and everyone at Satell Institute for this match opportunity!
- John McCabe, Glenmede
- Matthew & Casey Satell, Board Members
Personal, $500
It is never more important to take care of your community then in a time of need, and no one has taught us better or led by example quite like my dad. We strive to “think We not Me”, just as my dad has shown us.
- Matthew & Casey Satell, Board Members
- Tom Caramanico, Board & Executive Committee
Personal, $10,000
- Tom Caramanico, Board & Executive Committee
- Terry Gardner, Founder
Terry & Shifra Gardner Philanthropic Fund, $10,000
- Terry Gardner, Founder
- The Paula & Mark Solomon Family Fund
Foundation Member, $10,000-PLUS
Ed’s leadership, by this match, is a beacon of hope in these challenging times. We are lucky to have him in our community and for his foresight in forming the Satell Institute.
- The Paula & Mark Solomon Family Fund
- J. Gary Langmuir, CEO
Wohlsen Construction Foundation, $10,000
Some folks have ideas; some folks execute other’s ideas… Ed Satell makes ideas a reality.
- J. Gary Langmuir, CEO
- The Frederick Loewe Foundation, $10,000-PLUS
- Marc Bruno, COO
Aramark, 10,000
Kudos to Ed and the Satell Institute for challenging the community to support others during these difficult times. We are happy to answer the call and support Special Olympics Pennsylvania.
- Marc Bruno, COO
- Board Members & Supporters of the Drueding Center, $10,000
I sent an email out at 5:30 and in less than 24 hours we had $8,000 dollars. I’m not going to lie, I cried. People’s generosity is truly overwhelming. –Anne Marie Collins MS, Executive Director
- Board Members & Supporters of the Drueding Center, $10,000
- Mary Meder, President
Harmelin Media, $2,000
The first thing I thought when I saw what Ed proposed was…of course. There was no reason to be even a little surprised. Ed is at his best when things are at their worst.
- Mary Meder, President
- Board Members & Supporters of Special Olympics of PA, $8,000
- Frank Leto, President and CEO
Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation, $10,000
Thanks to Ed, and his Satell Institute for their leadership and generosity. BMT grateful to participate in the Million Dollar Match.
- Frank Leto, President and CEO
- Ambassador Philip S. Kaplan and Barbara Kaplan, $500
I salute Ed Satell’s remarkable gift to incentivize support for non-profits, a distinctly American component of our democratic governance, which deserves generous support at this time of doubts and concerns. With the arts now under financial siege, my wife and I are contributing to the renowned Philadelphia Museum of Art. I urge others to choose their own non-profit to support, and to do so.
- Ambassador Philip S. Kaplan and Barbara Kaplan, $500
- Board Members & Supporters of the National Liberty Museum, $10,000
Ed, you have accomplished many great things over the years and I’ve had the good fortune to hear about many of them. But in my opinion absolutely nothing compares to your efforts in starting and building the Satell Institute— sheer genius to bring businesses and foundations together to give back to non-profits. Now you’ve gone one step further in contributing an extraordinary amount of money to help support non-profits during the most difficult economic time in history—— and motivated others to do the same!! I can’t begin to describe how meaningful it is to have this kind of support when we need it the most. So thank you, Ed, for all that you do. I’m profoundly grateful. Gwen Borowsky, CEO
- Board Members & Supporters of the National Liberty Museum, $10,000
- Chip Rossi, Delaware Market President
Bank of America, $10,000
REACH Riverside plays a significant role in revitalizing the communities we serve, particularly during this health and humanitarian crisis. We’re proud to support them with this terrific matching grant opportunity as they help lead the charge to address economic and racial inequality in communities of color.
- Chip Rossi, Delaware Market President
- Kathy Killian, Vice President
Philadelphia Phillies, $10,000-PLUS
Since 1984, the special partnership that exists with our club and the ALS Association remains anchored in commitment and friendship. With the cancellation of our annual Phestival event for ALS in May, this opportunity was a catalyst to assist now in a time of great need. From all of us at the Phillies, our heartfelt gratitude to Ed Satell for his leadership and generosity for offering this special opportunity.
- Kathy Killian, Vice President
- Travis Rhodes, President
BB&T/Truist, $10,000
- Travis Rhodes, President
- Dan Berger, Director, PFM
Personal, $10,000
The Satell Institute’s generosity is so fundamentally crucial to the team at ACHIEVEability. Now more than ever, this support allows us to continue to provide critically needed services and programs to our community in West Philadelphia. Without a doubt, SI empowers us to do what we do best for the people who need us the most.
- Dan Berger, Director, PFM
- Arthur R. Block
Personal, $10,000
- Arthur R. Block
- Bill Sasso, Chairman
Stradley Ronon, $5,000
When it comes to corporate social responsibility, there is no greater advocate than Ed Satell. For someone like me who is interested in helping inner-city kids, the Satell Institute and the Boy Scouts of America provide an excellent vehicle.
- Bill Sasso, Chairman
- Dr. Keith Vett
Personal, $5,000
- Dr. Keith Vett
- Dr. Todd Kazan
Personal, $2,500
- Dr. Todd Kazan
- Julie Fox
Personal, $2,500
- Julie Fox
- Nick Bertram, CEO
Giant Martins, $10,000-PLUS
- Nick Bertram, CEO
- Lorina Marshall-Blake, President
IBX Foundation, $10,000-PLUS
- Lorina Marshall-Blake, President
- Jared Culotta, Chairman
Wawa Foundation, $10,000
- Jared Culotta, Chairman
- Alyssa Gifford
Personal, $2,500
Double Matches
We are so happy to share that several of our Nonprofit Affiliates tell us the total gift for the Match has qualified for a Matching gift from their national headquarters! Win-Win-Win!
PLUS – means our Members have committed a far larger gift than the $10,000 match to the Nonprofit Affiliate(s) they selected. What a difference this is making for so many Nonprofit Affiliates!
“City Year Philadelphia is grateful to leverage the opportunity as a nonprofit partner of the Satell Institute to encourage more charitable giving during this uncertain time. We are excited to receive a new $10,000 gift from UGI, that will be matched by Satell, for a total of $20,000 of new critical revenue! This allows our City Year AmeriCorps members to continue to help students from all over Philadelphia to re-connect and re-engage with their learning.”
Darryl Bunridge, CEO, City Year
Since 1984, the Phillies have been a beacon of hope for The Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the ALS Association, when they took a chance on a small unknown charity with a budget of $4,500. And they remain so now, during these dark days when our patients are compromised, which makes them more susceptible to COVID-19. We are forever thankful to the Phillies, Phillies Charities and Ed Satell’s Million Dollar Match Opportunity for their generosity and commitment to our cause.
Ellyn Phillips, Board Chair ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter
I can’t say enough about Ed―look what he inspired again among this community. His leadership in inspiring others to give is truly amazing. I am proud to be a part of it.
Larry Dubinski, CEO, The Franklin Institute, Vice Chairman, Nonprofits, The Satell Institute
Ed never fails to amaze and inspire me with his leadership and generosity.
Doug Tieman, CEO, Caron Foundation
It’s a great day for Scouting as the Cradle of Liberty Council joins the Satell Institute. We are especially proud that this opportunity has been made possible through Mike Innocenzo and our friends at PECO. Our Career Exploring collaboration with PECO has been successfully introducing urban teens to careers in business and engineering for more than a quarter century, exemplifying Ed Satell’s vision for impactful long-term giving. Daniel Templar, Scout Executive and CEO – Cradle of liberty Council, Boy Scouts of America
This is amazing. Ed is truly one of a kind. My team and I will certainly find a donor willing to match Ed’s huge generosity.
Marcus Allen, CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters
We feel so lucky to be connected to the Satell Institute. It is amazing to us how simple commitments can lead to so much inspiration and energy!
Dan Rhoton, CEO, Hopeworks
Leaders like Ed Satell are listening to us and are doing everything that they can to help non-profits in this difficult time. Working together we will make it through this crisis.
Paul Kappel, CEO, Junior Achievement
We have so many competing needs right now—food, education, digital access—the Opportunity Ed has created makes a huge difference for so many.
Siobhan Reardon, CEO of the Free Public Library of Philadelphia
What a wonderful, generous program and thank goodness for Ed Satell’s support to the nonprofit community!
Carol Rollie Flynn, CEO, FPRI
This is very exciting. What a vision Ed has! We’re so proud to have him as our friend, benefactor, and advocate.
Elissa Gillston, Regional Director, American Technion Society
This is such an exciting opportunity for so many non-profits. Bank of America’s continued investment in the Philadelphia Youth Network is a true testament to the power of corporate partnership with the nonprofit sector. We were beyond thrilled to learn that the Philadelphia Youth Network would be a recipient. Bank of America’s commitment to youth employment is amplified by this generous act. Their investment in my leadership enables PYN to grow as an anchor non-profit in Philadelphia.
Chekemma Townsend, CEO, Philadelphia Youth Network
Friends step up when there’s a need. Our community has no better friend than Ed Satell, who once again has invested himself in a real and personal way to invite others to step up. And so many have! We appreciate the kindness of donors to the Satell Institute Million Dollar Match Opportunity, who have helped Child Advocates and so many non-profit agencies respond to the hardship and loss of this most challenging time.
Frank P. Cervone, Executive Director, Support Center for Child Advocates
At the National Liberty Museum, core to our mission is celebrating heroes among us whose courage, compassion, and dedication to the wellbeing of others sets an inspirational example for us all. Ed Satell is the
personification of these virtues, and his challenge will make such a profound and lasting impact on our city and region. Ed, you are our Hero!
Peggy Sweeney, CDO, The National Liberty Museum
It is so difficult to navigate through these challenging times, and I wanted to share my gratitude for the work of the Satell Institute and the matching grant initiative. We believe that the work of JEVS Human Services will be needed now more than ever, and we are committed to helping to get “Philly Back To Work.” The
matching funds we will receive, as a result of this new initiative, will help us to serve more individuals at this critical time.
Nancy Astor Fox, CDO, JEVS Human Services
I appreciate your generosity with these matching funds. We are very excited about being a non-profit affiliate and look forward to learning more about the Satell Institute
Lisa Gaffney, Executive Director, Riverfront Alliance of Delaware County