Leadership in a Time of Crisis Update Huge Success - Substantially Over Goal!
June 12, 2020

On Monday May 4th, the Satell Institute announced the Ed Satell Million Dollar Match Opportunity, an emergency funding initiative to support the widely diverse Nonprofit Affiliate Members of the Institute so hugely affected by the Covid-19 crisis and economic downturn.
The Institute’s proactive challenge for the benefit of the hard hit nonprofits that contribute so much value to our community was a matching gift opportunity thanks to a $1,000,000 contribution of personal funds by Founder Ed Satell. An ambitious deadline of May 31st was set for the matching opportunity. We had reasonable expectations that our Members would respond, but we were overwhelmed by the speed and generosity of the response.
Below is our final report, listing the donors and some of their comments. Humbly, we say THANK YOU to all who participated. This is a Business, Foundation & Individual response to Corporate Social Responsibility that is inspiring and energizing for the nonprofit community. Thinking WE, not me, in action!
- Huge Success — Substantially over Goal!
- Thanks to so many Great Leaders!
- On Monday morning, June 1st, the Match closed with every dollar matched!
So many Members were inspired to choose to contribute considerably
more than their match to the Nonprofit Affiliate of their choice!
The total raised in May to support our Nonprofit Affiliates is $2,948,553!
Our Generous Members were so passionate about supporting nonprofits, they
chose to meet the four-year commitment requirement and added 6 new
nonprofits as Institute Nonprofit Affiliates!
Thank you, Corporations, Foundations, Members, Individuals—Friends!
Contributors are listed in order of date of contribution, so new contributors are listed at the end.
Some are among the biggest in the region, some midsize or smaller and others are highly committed individuals, all supporting the well-being of our needed nonprofits who contribute so much to our community. Our thanks to all who have allowed us to publish their names and their inspiring quotes!
- Daniel R. Tropeano, CEO
UnitedHealthcare of PA & DE, $10,000
Thank you for your leadership, compassion, and generosity.
- John L. Walsh, CEO
UGI Corporation, $10,000-PLUS
Ed’s vision has always been around supporting the community. We’re grateful to participate in this opportunity, doubling the dollars to Nonprofit Affiliates. We’re all in this together.
- Bruce Foulke, CEO
American Heritage Federal Credit Union, $10,000-PLUS
I am so proud to be a part of what Ed is doing to help where the need is great. He genuinely wants to make this world a better place. We are only on this earth for a short time and the differences that Ed makes will outlast all of us.
- Dan Koval, CSR Director
Bentley Systems Incorporated, $10,000-PLUS
Bentley is proud to be a part of the Satell Institute and humbled to be among the many other amazing organizations that work so hard to make sure everyone is cared for. We are excited to be able to leverage our giving to increase the impact to the Chester County Food Bank, who work tirelessly every day to ensure our friends, neighbors, and family members get the food they need to survive before, during, and after the global pandemic.
- Stan Ginsburg, Founder
Stan & Arlene Ginsburg Family Foundation, $10,000-PLUS
- Marc Brownstein, CEO
Brownstein Group, $10,000-PLUS
The only thing bigger than Ed Satell’s generosity is Ed Satell’s compassion for helping the nonprofit community. This $1,000,000 Match is simply the latest example.
- Frank Ash, Founder
The Ash Family Foundation, $10,000
That is the thing about Ed. He thinks this way about helping others.
- David DeStefano, CEO
Vertex, Inc., $10,000
Winston Churchill said: “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” No one embodies that more than Ed. We are honored to work with the Satell Institute and be part of the Million Dollar Match.
- David L. Cohen, Individual
Personal Contribution, $10,000
Once again, Ed Satell and the Satell Institute is stepping up at a time of great community need. It is a pleasure to follow Ed’s leadership in this very difficult time.
- Morey Goldberg, Founder
Dena & Morey Goldberg Family Fund, $10,000-PLUS
This is awesome. I’m in. My heart is warmed by this!
- Bruce Kardon, CIO
Conservest, $10,000
- Henri Moore, Head, Global Responsibility
Corteva, $10,000-PLUS
Ed is demonstrating wonderful leadership in time of crisis and it is so important to our nonprofits who are providing life-saving services during this time of Covid-19.
- David K, Downes
Individual, $10,000-PLUS
I was very pleased to learn of the Satell Institute Matching Gift program and happy to support Caron Treatment Centers in such a meaningful way during these challenging times.
- Bev Hendry, CEO
Aberdeen Standard Investments, $10,000
This is a wonderful gesture by Ed. Our affiliates are going to be thrilled to receive these contributions. Have a blessed day.
- Elizabeth Walhquist,
Individual Personal Contribution, $10,000-PLUS
We are so very grateful for Ed’s ongoing support and for the meaningful way his leadership inspires others. He is truly like yeast, always causing others to rise. Claudia Stowers, CFRE, CAP, Vice President, The Museum of the American Revolution
- Gerry Toscani, CEO
Paris Corporation, $10,000
As you can imagine, many families have lost much of their income over the last two months. The emergency fund that we are donating to is set aside to specifically help these families cover their portion of the tuition so that their children can continue to get a high-quality education. Ed’s pledge to match our donations is inspiring. We need more Ed’s in this world!
Double Matches
We are so happy to share that several of our Nonprofit Affiliates tell us the total gift for the Match has qualified for a Matching gift from their national headquarters! Win-Win-Win!
PLUS – means our Members have committed a far larger gift than the $10,000 match to the Nonprofit Affiliate(s) they selected. What a difference this is making for so many Nonprofit Affiliates!
Nonprofit Leaders Continue To Comment …
City Year Philadelphia is grateful to leverage the opportunity as a nonprofit partner of the Satell Institute to encourage more charitable giving during this uncertain time. We are excited to receive a new $10,000 gift from UGI, that will be matched by Satell, for a total of $20,000 of new critical revenue! This allows our City Year AmeriCorps members to continue to help students from all over Philadelphia to re-connect and re-engage with their learning.
Darryl Bunridge, CEO, City Year
Since 1984, the Phillies have been a beacon of hope for The Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the ALS Association, when they took a chance on a small unknown charity with a budget of $4,500. And they remain so now, during these dark days when our patients are compromised, which makes them more susceptible to COVID-19. We are forever thankful to the Phillies, Phillies Charities and Ed Satell’s Million Dollar Match Opportunity for their generosity and commitment to our cause.
Ellyn Phillips, Board Chair ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter
I can’t say enough about Ed―look what he inspired again among this community. His leadership in inspiring others to give is truly amazing. I am proud to be a part of it.
Larry Dubinski, CEO, The Franklin Institute, Vice Chairman, Nonprofits, The Satell Institute
Ed never fails to amaze and inspire me with his leadership and generosity.
Doug Tieman, CEO, Caron Foundation
It’s a great day for Scouting as the Cradle of Liberty Council joins the Satell Institute. We are especially proud that this opportunity has been made possible through Mike Innocenzo and our friends at PECO. Our Career Exploring collaboration with PECO has been successfully introducing urban teens to careers in business and engineering for more than a quarter century, exemplifying Ed Satell’s vision for impactful long-term giving.
Daniel Templar, Scout Executive and CEO – Cradle of liberty Council, Boy Scouts of America
This is amazing. Ed is truly one of a kind. My team and I will certainly find a donor willing to match Ed’s huge generosity.
Marcus Allen, CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters
We feel so lucky to be connected to the Satell Institute. It is amazing to us how simple commitments can lead to so much inspiration and energy!
Dan Rhoton, CEO, Hopeworks
Leaders like Ed Satell are listening to us and are doing everything that they can to help non-profits in this difficult time. Working together we will make it through this crisis.
Paul Kappel, CEO, Junior Achievement
We have so many competing needs right now—food, education, digital access—the Opportunity Ed has created makes a huge difference for so many.
Siobhan Reardon, CEO of the Free Public Library of Philadelphia
What a wonderful, generous program and thank goodness for Ed Satell’s support to the nonprofit community!
Carol Rollie Flynn, CEO, FPRI
This is very exciting. What a vision Ed has! We’re so proud to have him as our friend, benefactor, and advocate.
Elissa Gillston, Regional Director, American Technion Society
This is such an exciting opportunity for so many non-profits. Bank of America’s continued investment in the Philadelphia Youth Network is a true testament to the power of corporate partnership with the nonprofit sector. We were beyond thrilled to learn that the Philadelphia Youth Network would be a recipient. Bank of America’s commitment to youth employment is amplified by this generous act. Their investment in my leadership enables PYN to grow as an anchor non-profit in Philadelphia.
Chekemma Townsend, CEO, Philadelphia Youth Network
Friends step up when there’s a need. Our community has no better friend than Ed Satell, who once again has invested himself in a real and personal way to invite others to step up. And so many have! We appreciate the kindness of donors to the Satell Institute Million Dollar Match Opportunity, who have helped Child Advocates and so many non-profit agencies respond to the hardship and loss of this most challenging time.
Frank P. Cervone, Executive Director, Support Center for Child Advocates
At the National Liberty Museum, core to our mission is celebrating heroes among us whose courage, compassion, and dedication to the wellbeing of others sets an inspirational example for us all. Ed Satell is the
personification of these virtues, and his challenge will make such a profound and lasting impact on our city and region. Ed, you are our Hero!
Peggy Sweeney, CDO, The National Liberty Museum
It is so difficult to navigate through these challenging times, and I wanted to share my gratitude for the work of the Satell Institute and the matching grant initiative. We believe that the work of JEVS Human Services will be needed now more than ever, and we are committed to helping to get “Philly Back To Work.” The
matching funds we will receive, as a result of this new initiative, will help us to serve more individuals at this critical time.
Nancy Astor Fox, CDO, JEVS Human Services
I appreciate your generosity with these matching funds. We are very excited about being a non-profit affiliate and look forward to learning more about the Satell Institute
Lisa Gaffney, Executive Director, Riverfront Alliance of Delaware County
- This is Corporate Social Responsibility in action!
- This is thinking WE, not just me on a grand scale!
- Thank YOU for your generosity.