Formal. Informal. Beneficial.
One huge advantage of membership is access to other leaders and their understanding, programs, measurements, and strategies for CSR.
The Satell Institute is the leading CEO organization dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility
Impactful Satell Member CEO Quotes

Osagie Imasogie
Co-Founder and Senior Managing Partner PIPV Capital
“CSR is something that you live. It’s something that you use. For me and my wife, it’s how we breathe. You have an obligation to give. You have an obligation to lead. You have an obligation to support the nonprofit world.”

Alan Luxenberg
Foreign Policy Research Institute (ret.)
“I never could have imagined the network of people Ed Satell has brought into the Satell Institute and the CEO conferences they have had. It’s really astonishing.”

Bill Sasso
Stradley Ronan
“I think that perhaps the most dramatic change is the one that has been initiated by the Satell Institute to get business leaders working together to commit their organization in a very meaningful way to CSR. I believe this is the first really concerted effort to unify the business community behind CSR. Prior to this time, everyone did their own thing and there was some effort to bring people together, but nothing as successful as what the Satell Institute has done in a very short period of time.”

Chris Franklin
Aqua America
“Employees have come to expect and appreciate being part of a company that is active as a community supporter. Ed Satell is a great model to make sure we’re all thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility. It’s what the country needs more of. Why wouldn’t I be doing this so CEOs can learn from each other what we could do better?”

Alan Cohn
Sage Financial Group
“I do feel like it’s our responsibility to make the world a better place. I read a quote yesterday that maybe you heard before: ‘Service to others is the rent we pay for our room here on earth.’ Muhammad Ali said that. When I’m talking with other business leaders, I feel the same vibe. I think the attendance at the Satell Institute meetings, and the membership list at Satell, is a testament to that. Some very busy folks are carving out a lot of their time to do this.”

Lorina Marshall-Blake
Independence Blue Cross
“This commitment to idea sharing and ensuring that the perspectives of our nonprofit partners are part of the conversation speaks to the values and approach of the Satell Institute. They’re not there because they have to be there, they’re there because they want to be there. They realize that it’s important to be in business, but it’s also important to be in the business of helping when you have the opportunity to help.”

Bruce Foulke
President & CEO
American Heritage Credit Union
“I am so proud to be a part of what Ed is doing to help where the need is great. He genuinely wants to make this world a better place. We are only on this earth for a short time and the differences that Ed makes will outlast all of us.”

Vernita Dorsey
Vice President of CSR
“When we partner with nonprofit organizations, we’re really partnering to make relationships. It’s not just, ‘We’ll give you some money, one and done.’ We learn about the organization. When we form these relationships with our nonprofit partners, it’s helping us to do better at what we do.”

Chris Maguire
LIO Insurance
“The Satell Institute is talking about all the right things. And I think just the premise — getting people to communicate across these lines instead of everybody being in their own lane and doing their own thing. We’re all in this community together, and we should utilize our resources to make sure we’re not redundant.”

Tim McDermott
Philadelphia Union
“Sports teams do a really good job of leaning into their CSR initiatives. I think it comes with the territory of being a sports franchise and recognizing you have an opportunity to put smiles on people’s faces, you have an opportunity to make a difference in the community. At the Union, we’ve placed a lot of emphasis on this concept of community and making this one of the pillars of our organization. It’s not something that is just a thing on the side. It’s really woven through the things that we do.”

Bernie Shields
Regional President
M&T Bank
“Satell is unique and extremely interesting to me. And it’s consistent with our corporate ethos, which is supporting the communities where we live and where we profit. The bank does well here, so we want to do well by the community. We’ve taken on a bigger role in supporting the nonprofit community, while also supporting our clients and employees in what they do in the community, and that’s what drew me to Satell.”

Michele Juliana
“One thing that came out of the Satell CEO Conference last fall was that our people are our community. I think we’re naturally inclined to think of ‘the community’ as something external. But I think it’s important, as employers, to think of your community as starting with your employees and what their needs and issues are, and to think about what their communities are. We shouldn’t be thinking of social responsibility as something separate.”

Jay Culotta
Wawa, Inc.
“Just being involved with other corporate leaders who have the same kind of drive we have in terms of the community is invaluable. The banks are a great example. Most of the large banks in the area are involved, and through our relationships with them we’ve learned a lot.”

Phil Jaurigue
Chairman & CEO
Sabre Systems