The Center for Social Impact Strategy (CSIS)
at the University of Pennsylvania believes that anyone, anywhere, can change the world. CSIS is offering an exciting curriculum in social innovation for high school students.
About the Course:
The course empowers students with the understanding of the importance of social innovation for good as they learn the strategies and tools needed to affect positive change.
This is a fast-paced 7-week program, featuring 1 hour per week of asynchronous content, 90 minutes of weekly synchronous meetings on Tuesdays or Thursdays 3:00 – 4:30 pm (choose one), and 2-3 expected weekly hours of independent work on a personal project. The curriculum is delivered virtually, using the learning management system Canvas as an asynchronous central online learning space where students can watch video lectures, take quizzes, submit assignments, and participate in discussion boards. All videos are closed captioned. This asynchronous content accompanies weekly live peer dialogue sessions, during which time students will develop community, work on their projects, and learn more about making the world a better place.
On completion of the curriculum, students will have developed and tested a working prototype. Students who have completed all requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion from the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Social Impact Strategy.
About the Educator:
The Center for Social Impact Strategy (CSIS) is based at the University of Pennsylvania, situated in the School of Social Policy & Practice. Our goal at CSIS is to affordably and accessibly train and equip world changers with the tools, skills, and community to make change in their communities and society.
- Subject Matter:
Social Innovation, Social Impact, Social Entrepreneurship
- Targeted Age Group(s):
High School (Grades 10-12)
- Class Size:
50 Students
Registration Open:
- Date / Time Offered:
Registration Open:
May 2 – June 11, 2021
Program Start Date:
July 12, 2021
Program End Date:
September 3, 2021
Certificate Awards Ceremony:
September 13, 2021
6:00 pm
Students Choose Tuesdays or Thursdays:
(Synchronous Meetings)
3:00 – 4:30 pm
Use Access Code: UPSatell
About University of Pennsylvania (Penn):
Welcome to Penn! Penn has a proud tradition of translating knowledge into social-minded action that dates back to our founder Benjamin Franklin, who noted that “well-done is better than well-said.” Penn embodies this philosophy through the Penn Compact 2022 and through the innovative work and impactful engagement of our students, staff, and faculty.